Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Magnificent Greek Parthenon

One of the great architectural masterpieces ever created is the Parthenon in Greece. For those that enjoy Greek mythology, one of the joys of reading mythology is that many great tales mention these incredible landmarks that are still standing. The Greek Parthenon is one of the most well known and recognizable structures in the world today and while one of the oldest still standing, a 30+ year renovation is taking place to completely restore this structure to its original glory.

The Parthenon was built for the goddess of wisdom- Athena. Built upon the tallest hill in Athens- the Acropolis over 2,000 years ago it is literally a miracle that it stands today. While it was built in a few short years between 447 and 432 B.C. it has been utilized by many for different purposes. First as a temple for the Greek goddess Athena, second as a church for almost 1,000 years, third as a mosque during the Ottoman empire and then used by Turkey as a weapons depo during a war with Venice. It is amazing that throughout its history, it still continues to stand.

The Renovation of the Parthenon
For those interested in the Parthenon, a complete restoration is taking place. The Smithsonian Magazine has written an article on the incredible work that has gone into this restoration and you can read all about it on our site. Simply follow the link:

Parthenon, Daredevil, Black Holes, Benjamin Franklin, Glacier National Park, Wrigley Field

1 comment:

austin said...

This is really informative information about Parthenon.This blog will be more interesting when you upload the pictures of Parthenon.